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Darwin Escapes staff sponsored cycle training

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  • outdoors
April 18, 2023 · 5 MIN READ

Jocelyn Granger from Rivendale Lodge Retreat started training for the sponsored Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle tour (LEJOG) and here are the latest updates…

25th March:

“There’s been a consistent theme to my cycling over the last couple of weeks: wind 💨 and rain 🌧. Although I can confirm my waterproofs are definitely waterproof, I wasn’t confident enough to get out on my road bike – the one I’m riding for LEJOG. Today dawned dry and relatively calm though so I headed off up to the Roaches to rekindle our partnership 🚴🏻‍♀️ I go out running in all conditions after all so I must learn to do the same with cycling. I’d like to think the weather in June will be good but this is the UK and who knows!”

13th April:

“Easter has been and gone and lots of beautiful bright yellow daffodils have now replaced snowdrops all over the Peak District but in spite of a brief couple of warmer days last week the weather remains challenging to say the least. My training continues regardless but top to toe waterproofs are still essential. I’m increasing the weekly mileage and it’s going well. I particularly enjoy the 6am starts cycling 20+ miles to work whilst most of the world is still in bed. Best of all I get to see some stunning sunrises :)”

check out all the pictures Jocelyn has managed to capture during her training the past few weeks…


Just Giving page
sponsor Jocelyn Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle tour
find out more